Please remember that the main portal submission for Annual Account information is due 20th January 2025 as per email sent with your portal link.
Most questions have a code letter at the start. This relates to when we expect the query can be completed (Deadline Dates). It is vital the timeframes are adhered to, so the EOY runs smoothly for you and us.
(A) 31 August 2024. SAVE only. Once completed, notify TSO via admin email.
(O) 31 October 2024. SAVE only. Once completed, notify TSO via admin email.
(D) 20 January 2025. SAVE & SUBMIT (once completed), this will automatically notify TSO.
(F) 10 February 2025. This deadline must be adhered to. SAVE & SUBMIT
(TSO) DO NOT ANSWER - Please ignore as these are internal reminders for us.
Please make sure that questions with prefix (A) (O) and as many (D) have been answered or information attached where requested (particularly Qtr 4 full entitlement grant notices AND The Other funding notice (see below for instructions) as this means it is readily available for your auditors.
Make sure full lease agreements and the lease register are all uploaded at this time so that these can be processed (the register allows us to check that we have all current leases). Get MOE Capital Project transactions checked over by the project managers to ensure that they are accurate in Xero. Also update the Cyclical Maintenance Info Sheets in portal with comments regarding what has been completed and if any dates/estimated costs need changing.
We appreciate this is a busy time, as is anytime in a school, but please upload information and/or answer as many of the December portal queries before the end of December. This allows TSO to work on the information in January and less work for you (in this area) when back from the break. The cut-off date for December submissions is 20th January 2025.
When all the December information has been uploaded, please SAVE and SUBMIT. We realise there will be additional 2024 Creditors and maybe late transactions for the SMS Fees system after 20th January. These extras will be picked up in the February sweep.
Remember - Priority for Annual Accounts work is given to those schools who complete these workpapers queries on time. Schools Annual Account preparation will be done in the order that we receive the submitted portal questions (fully completed, not just submitted with minimal information).
The sooner you do your part, the sooner we can do ours.
Remember save often so you don’t lose what you have uploaded and answered. Then Save & Submit once you have as much done as possible so that we can start the EOY process. If there is too much missing when you submit, you may find it difficult to add further information once we resend you the portal link for February information (a Xero glitch ☹).
Read the email that you received with your portal link as this has important information. Any problems, please email me and let me know as soon as possible (including when you expect to have your portal information completed if not by due date if you are not returning to school until later in January 2025).
SMS Fees Systems
Please remember to print Student Credit Balance Reports from your SMS (School Management System), after processing December transactions (including bank statements) and before entering January transactions. Some SMS are unable to print these reports retrospectively. It is very important to have this information for preparing the annual financial statements.
2024 Invoices paid in 2025
When processing 2024 Invoices in 2025 please enter the year as part of the date. Some accounting software packages automatically add the current year to the date if it is not entered.For example, user enters invoice date 12/12 - the software will make the date 12/12/2025. This affects the Accounts Payable and the GST. Ensure all 2024 Invoices are entered with the date of the invoice to ensure the transaction is recorded in the correct year.
Also please do not date invoices after the date that you are paying them (this is important all year). An invoice dated 10/1/2025 but paid in December 2024 – causes issues with Accounts payable reports for Annual Accounts and GST filing. The invoice date must be the same or before the payment date.
Accounts Receivable for MOE capital projects unpaid as at 31st December 2024 – we suggest you change the date of the unpaid sales/debtor invoices to 1st January 2025.
GST Due 28 January 2025
GST for period ending December 2024 must be filed and paid (if applicable) by 28th January 2025 otherwise penalties may be incurred. Some schools have a later start date next year, meaning staff are not back until after 28 January. Please ensure arrangements are in place for GST filing.For the Schools who have appointed School Office as their authorised tax agent, we will file your GST Return. Should payment be required, we will advise by email using the school’s usual contact details.
For those schools that file their own GST – please ensure that the GST payment made for the November/December 2024 period is dated as January 2025 (not 31st December 2024).